Network Accessibility
- Bus operators
- Bus stops
- Bus stop information
- Coaches
- Information on board and outside coaches
- Information delivered to travelers
- Transit agencies sales persons
- Demand-responsive transport
- Transportation grants
- Guide dogs on board
- Draft Transport Accessibility Action Plan
- Isère urban networks accessibility
Bus operators
Bus operators must be made aware of the various disabilities and how to handle passengers with reduced mobility, and transport companies must provide a training report.
A minimum of training must be provided by the incumbent to all its drivers assigned to the regional bus network in order to know how to operate PRM equipment.
Similarly, disability training is conducted to make drivers aware of the different types of disability in order to better understand and meet the expectations of these people.
Bus stops
All stops served by several public transport lines, or close to a travel-generating center or a specialized establishment, must be made accessible. If it is technically impossible to make them accessible, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region will then examine whether the stop should be moved or removed. If neither is possible, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region will have 18 months to implement alternative measures. School stops are not affected.
The accessibility of bus lines to wheelchair users requires the following elements to be respected
- a slope of less than 5% allowing wheelchair users to move around
- a sufficient platform width allowing a rotation area of 1.50 m in diameter once the elevator is deployed, at the level of the middle door of the bus.
To meet these requirements, the necessary improvements range from road markings to heavier roadwork, including raising sidewalks and moving street furniture.
In concrete terms, in Isère...
The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region has diagnosed the 480 stops outside the territorial jurisdiction of the mobility organizing authorities for which improvements are required. To date, 132 platforms have been upgraded.
Once a stop is declared accessible, it includes the following elements
- a guide strip with a materialization of the waiting area for visually impaired people
- a pictogram indicating the waiting area for people in wheelchairs
- a timetable display including the accessible stops.
Consult the list of accessible stops in 2020.
Bus stop information
Route numbers signs and their destinations should be clearly visible at the bus stop with a distinctive bus stop flag or a bus shelter.
Information at the bus stop should be easy to comprehend including easy-to-spot route number and bus stop reference number. Bus stop flags may be of distinctive design or contrasting colour with the background.
Information readability depends on the colour contrast and luminance contrast (measuring the brightness on a surface that is reflecting light) between the text and the background. A 70% light-to-dark contrast is required. In term of font accessibility, Tiresia is the most used typeface but Arial is also compliant with the recommendations.
Example of timetable display here.
Visual information should be easy to understand, readable at all times and opportunities for using existing street lightning should be maximised. Display panels may be of contrasting colour with the background. Font characters are at least 15mm high for short distance reading, more than 150mm at a 4-meter reading distance and 200mm at a 6-meter reading distance.
Visible information including the timetable display case and the map should be located between 1m and 1.5m above ground level so that wheelchair users can read them.
If the stop is equipped with a digital sign with dynamic visual information, it should indicate the time, bus routes, waiting times and destination.
In the event of a disruption, audible announcements will be coupled with visual information.
Symbols and pictograms are provided for people with cognitive disabilities.
Bus shelters must contain the following information: the name of the stop and the municipality must be easily readable and identifiable. The choice of text and color contrasts is optimal. The height of the information, once the stop is declared accessible, is adapted by installing a frame at a height of 150 cm from the ground (top). The map of the general network is present and allows the user to find his way around. The poster lists the line number, its origin-destination and the timetable. The telephone number is clearly displayed.
A tag contains the name of the stop, the municipality and is subject to an ideal choice of text and color contrasts. The height of the information is adapted. One side of this equipment is dedicated to PRM information because it is equipped with two time frames at a maximum height of 150 cm from the ground (top part).
Concretely, in Isère...
The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region has enlarged and made more visible since the beginning of the 2016 school year the characters of the line numbers, the origin/destination, the timetables of the lines which are difficult to read on a single A4 sheet, so that they appear on two A4 posters affixed in the timetable frame.
Enjoy real-time information directly at the stops thanks to the daisies!
Vehicles have :
- a ramp (on flat floor buses) or an elevator-type mechanism;
- a central platform that can accommodate a wheelchair;
- at least one wheelchair space.
A line is said to be certified if 70% of its stops meet the standards for wheelchair users.
In order to make all the stops on the same line accessible, good coordination between the O.D.P.H.I., the transporters, the Department, the agglomeration communities and the municipalities is necessary.
Anchoring in high-floor vehicles, audible and visual announcements of the next stop, all vehicles are equipped with front windvanes and some with side windvanes indicating the route number and the destination of the bus. The stop request buttons are accessible on the new vehicles.
When validating the ticket on board, a short sound signal and a green light indicate that the ticket is in order. Conversely, a different sound signal and a red light indicate that the ticket is not valid.
Coaches in the Region bus network are equipped with a scrolling banner indicating the next stop, coupled with an audible announcement.
Information on board and outside coaches
Sufficient visual contrast (over 70%)
On-board announcement system with visual information (characters shall be at least 30mm for lowercase letters and at least 50mm for uppercase letters) as well as audible information shall be available.
Visual information (including timetables and network map) shall be available with contrasting colours and characters shall be at least 10mm, with at least one map for vehicles up to 8m long, two maps for vehicles up to 13.5m and three maps for vehicles longer than 13.5m.
Easy-to-reach call bells and “Stop Request” signs shall be audible and visible as well as warnings to announce the opening and closing of sliding doors.
Aboard some vehicles, autonomous bus validators are available. They are implemented between 800mm and 1 meter from the ground level. Accessible visual and audible information are displayed when the passenger validates his/her fare (red cross or green circle with a long or short beep).
Concretely, in Isère...
An "accessible bus" logo has been affixed to the front of the vehicles (image of a wheelchair, crossed ear, etc.).
Front and side wind vanes are installed as well as a digital panel inside the vehicle with the name of the next stop, the bus destination and the display of the line thermometer. The message stays on for at least 10 seconds.
Information delivered to travelers
Passenger information documents are distinct and clear, depending on the information (fare brochure, pocket map of the network and timetables).
Download the FALC-certified travel booklet adapted to all handicaps in order to prepare your trip. Please note that the vehicles on some lines are not yet dressed in the regional colors. For the time being, the stop posts and bus shelters are those shown on this web page.
- Personalized travel book (fichier Zip)
- Pre-filled travel log (PDF)
- Travel log in digital format (flip through)
The website is equipped with features that ensure good accessibility of its content:
- it is possible to navigate on this site without using the mouse;
- all images have a textual alternative;
- the font sizes can be enlarged and reduced using the options available on your visual browser;
- the layout of the site is deported in a style sheet to separate the content from the layout. The structure of the information is preserved.
The Itinisère application is equipped with GPS voice guidance: when you choose a route solution in the route planner, you must click on " Accompany me on my journey".
Concretely, in Isère...
The legibility of passenger information documents was improved as of the start of the 2016 school year through a more legible layout, particularly the cover pages, using clear codes, communication based on typography, pictograms and illustrations.
Since the start of the 2017 school year, accessible stops have been marked with a pictogram on the timetables.
Example on the timetable of the T43 line (ex 1380):
Caption :
H : Accessible bus stop to wheelchair users and visually impaired passengers
Transit agencies sales persons
The agencies are accessible (no walk) and the staff is made aware of the handicap. Some sales relays are also accessible.
Special features of Grenoble coach station within the public transport hub (open every day from to
In addition to the facilities implemented to help people with reduced mobility inside the intermodal passenger transport hub in Grenoble, transit personnel at the coach station is committed to provide customized support to disabled people.
Two cases may arise:
- People with reduced mobility are enrolled in a disability assistance programme (with special assistance): as a result, they are taken on beforehand and the transit personnel just need to make access to facilities easier. The transit agency would have to inform staff at the coach station so that an accessible platform should be available.
- People with reduced mobility do not benefit of a special disability assistance programme:
- When the passenger arrives at the coach station: via an on-demand calling box in the square at the station, staff members could be asked to accompany the passenger to his/her connecting platform.
- If the passenger at the train station wants to make a connection at the coach station; he just need to ask the train station staff for assistance and the coach station personnel will provide support.
Demand-responsive transport
Transport on demand service for wheelchair users:
TAD X01 Voiron - Grenoble - Crolles
TAD X02 Le Champ-près-Froges - Grenoble - Voiron Champfeuillet
TAD X03 Vizille - Grenoble - Voreppe
With prior reservation (by calling 04 26 16 38 38, the day before departure, before 5:00 p.m.), the user is picked up and dropped off at the Express line stops.
Transportation can only be provided on days and at times when the traditional Express lines serve the pick-up and drop-off stops requested by the user.
Click on the desired line to consult the schedules of X01, X02 and X03.
The U.F.R. service is reserved for users who :
- Are holders of an inclusive mobility card with a disability level of 80% or more;
and/or - Are in a wheelchair.
The vehicles travel on the specialized shared lane in order to benefit from a potential gain in travel time in the event of traffic congestion on the A48 between Voreppe and Grenoble.
Transportation grants
Any person with a disability who holds a mobility and inclusion card is entitled to the eco fare on our network. The accompanying person travels free of charge. The right is valid according to the duration of the disability and within the limit of 5 years.
Guide dogs on board
As stipulated in the transport regulations: guide dogs help by special harness accompanying blind people or their trainer, as well as personel assistance dogs are accepted free on board. They are exempts from muzzle.
Draft Transport Accessibility Action Plan
Law no. 2005-102 for equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of people with disabilities of February 11, 2005 set February 13, 2015 as the deadline for making public transportation services accessible.
The observation that the objectives had not been met led to Law No. 2014-789 of July 10, 2014, empowering the government to adopt legislative measures for the accessibility of establishments open to the public, public transport, residential buildings and roads for people with disabilities.
The ordinance of September 26, 2014, created the master plans for accessibility-programmed accessibility agendas (SDA-Ad'Ap). A decree published on November 6 sets the conditions for their implementation. Transport organising authorities (AOT) have been given the opportunity to draw up an accessibility master plan - programmed accessibility agenda (SDA-Ad'Ap) in order to obtain additional time to make their network accessible.
The plan includes an analysis of the actions required to make the system accessible and provides for the modalities and programming as well as the corresponding financing. It specifies the stops identified as priorities, the exemptions requested in the event of proven technical impossibility and the alternative measures planned in the latter cases.
Consult the network's accessibility scheme.
A quality objective for everyone
Since the date of approval of the Sd'AP by the Prefect, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region has had a period of six years, i.e. until August 2022, to gradually implement its programmed accessibility plan.
The objective is to improve the accessibility of the network for people with reduced mobility by increasing the reliability and availability of existing equipment. These accessibility measures benefit all passengers.
Since July 1, 2020, all vehicles on the network have been accessible.
Accessibility, for whom?
People with "permanent" reduced mobility:
Wheelchair users
Visually impaired people,
Hearing-impaired persons,
Cognitively impaired persons
Elderly persons,
- small, large or tall people,
- people with respiratory problems, sick people...
People with "temporary" reduced mobility:
- pregnant women or people with strollers,
- injured people with a cast for example,
- people with suitcases or shopping bags.