Online store
Before proceeding, have your OùRA ! card details ready.
If you do not have a travel card, you can sign up here.
Go to the online store to buy your ticket using a card reader*. It will be immediately loaded onto your card if you use a card reader* when purchasing, otherwise it will be loaded when you present it on a validator in the network.
The cars Région services team is at your disposal at 04 8000 7000 to help you with this process.
*Some recent computers are equipped with a smart card reader.
Il sera immédiatement chargé sur votre carte si vous utilisez un lecteur carte* lors de l'achat, sinon se chargera quand vous la présenterez sur un valideur du réseau.
L’équipe cars Région services reste à votre entière disposition au 04 8000 7000 pour vous accompagner dans cette démarche.
*certains ordinateurs récents sont équipés d’un lecteur de carte à puce.
Reload your Oùra card instantly (via the Oùra online store):
Thanks to the USB card reader available on (some recent computers are equipped with a smart card reader) or get it at the Oùra Information Ticket Office in the lobby of the Grenoble SNCF station, at the Square agency in Grenoble, at the Villefontaine agency and at the Crémieu agency.
Benefits :
- Monthly payment of the classic annual PASS
- Immediate reloading of the transport ticket
- Reloading of the monthly Isère Region + TCL bus pass
- Automatic debit for the classic annual PASS
At any time, you can access your balance online and check what’s on your card.